Photo by Toru Kobayashi

This is the first Catalogue Raissoné on the art of Tokuko Shimizu, a housewife whose creative path evolved alongside the chores of her Tokyo home. With an ongoing interest in art, history and culture and a serious commitment to exploring diverse techniques, her works in oil, weaving, Japanese dye, and fabric patchwork collage, display great inventiveness and vitality. The book concentrates on Shimizu’s series of textile exhibition posters, embroidered on commission by her artist daughter, Miho, from 2002 to 2008. Beautiful color reproductions of the posters are interspersed with new photographic projects by Gottingham that explore the personal relationship between mother and daughter. Accompanied by an in-depth interview and a detailed index and exhibition history, the book chronicles the overlap of art and life in a family with a rare artistic collaboration.

Authors | Kanako Iwanaka, Gottingham, Miho Shimizu, Øyvind Renberg
ISBN978-4-904894-54-5 C0070
Format|B5 size, fabric hard cover, 72 pages, 24 featured artworks, bilingual (Japanese and English)
Price|¥3,500 (¥3,182 + VAT)
Publishing date|March 24, 2022
Project website |

Photo by Toru Kobayashi

Spread with fold-out project by Gottingham, photo by Toru Kobayashi
Kanako Iwanaka coordinates visual and performing arts productions, with interests in expressions that derive from everyday life, as well as collaborative processes with people from various backgrounds and communities. She also works as an editor.

Gottingham is a photographer and artist. His practice is rooted in collaborative work and commissions with art centers, R&D institutions, companies and design studios, both in Japan and overseas. Gottingham draws upon a wide variety of contexts in his quest to re-construct people’s stories through images.

Miho Shimizu is a cross-disciplinary artist who makes sculptural costumes for performances that play with the boundaries between body and image. She was a member of Danger Museum* with Øyvind Renberg until 2008.

Øyvind Renberg is an artist who uses painting, sculpture, drawing and films as narrative forms that explore memory, fantasy and human relationships.

*Danger Museum was an artist group that formed in London in the late 1990s inspired by the Fluxus art movement. Their practice reflected upon the idea of the museum by mimicking its structure in low budget, mobile formats. It developed into a series of visually diverse site oriented projects, often produced during travels. Since 2008 the group’s members Shimizu and Renberg continue to work together under their own names, in parallel with their individual artistic practices.

[Printing and Binding]
Sun M Color Co., Ltd.
37 Shimakashiyama-cho,
Kisshoin, Minami-ku,
Kyoto 601-8371, Japan

flick studio

[Book Design]
Toshimasa Kimura
Genki Abe (Tanuki)